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403105329 733453842148133 8694305600466066401 n

Collage workshop for the Support Centre “Partners”

The ‘Partners’ centre is a specialised facility aimed at people with disabilities. As part of the Caricature Museum’s educational offer, I conducted a collage workshop. for young adults who visit the centre. It was one of the most inspiring and enjoyable workshops of my life. I am very happy to have met so many talented people from whom I learned a lot!

The workshop took place on 23 November 2023.

403104325 733453648814819 5906083069786545067 n

403050953 733453898814794 7440687942369724519 n
fot. Ośrodek Wsparcia “Partnerzy”
403064627 733454268814757 1437111441617514425 n

And this is my favourite collage:

403171343 733454192148098 1396596701255881583 n
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