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Launch of Lieven Migerode’s book “I love you and I see you”

I am very excited to share with you the news about a book featuring my collage on its cover. It was published by Oficyna Związek Otwarty in cooperation with the Polish Association of EFT (Emotionally Focused Therapy). OZO publishes literature addressing relevant socio-cultural phenomena and issues. Gestalt psychotherapy, philosophy, ecopoetics, non-fiction, art – these are the topics and areas of interests of this publishing house.

The title of the book is ‘I love you and I see you’ and the author is Lieven Migerode.

The premiere, for which the author is flying in from Belgium, will take place on 30 October at 7 p.m. at the Big Book Cafe.

Has everything been said about love? Or is there still something mysterious that we hope to discover? Or is it time to let go of expectations and convoluted concepts and get to the delicate core of it, as it turns out – which is the signpost towards a good, kind relationship?

You will find the answer to these questions in Lieven Migerode’s book: ‘I love you and I see you, a guide to love’. In the story of good love and a successful relationship, of its different languages and shades, of what fuels love and how it should be nurtured, the author leads us, and we let ourselves be swept away, by his guidance with lightness and emotion.

As in travel, a good guide takes us to areas where we ourselves can feel included in the history and atmosphere of a place. Places of love. The expedition that Lieven Migerode invites us on begins by explaining what this feeling is. How complex it is. It cannot be so simply understood, described and explained.

It has many facets and the author compares it to a diamond. Relationships, like stones, can be polished, which is explored in the book.

The author, who has worked with couples for more than thirty years, shares his professional and personal experience. He does this in a way that is devoid of professional terminology, shies away from definitions and even emphasises that putting love into charts, studies and scientific theories takes away something essential from it. Something that is at its core:

“The most important question I discuss is: how can we foster love, fuel it and nurture its vitality? If we succeed in doing so, we get closer to the dream of a long-term romantic relationship. And that means, among other things, that we recognise the fragility of love.”

This guide takes us through love. Through the complexity of emotions in love, the different languages of love, the threats to its vitality, and finally the attunement in love towards third parties, such as children.

“We are equipped for love. Love allows us to live a life where we don’t have to hide behind walls. Love abhors complexity, allows us to exist in the eyes of the other person and gives meaning to our existence.”

Lieven Migerode poses another important question: Can how we care for our relationships translate into attentiveness and care for the world we live in? “Could love provide a middle way between individualism and collectivism? […] to be an individual and at the same time to have connections: to be part of relationships, families, groups, people, the world. In order to know who we are, we always need relationships to find ourselves in.”

This invitation applies to people as well as to other beings.

Good love can not only heal our relationships. The author hopes that it can heal and nourish the world.

translation: Olga Niziołek

cover collage: Marta Janik

cover design, typesetting, page make-up: Paweł Sky

editor: Aleksandra Małek

proofreading: Joanna Wysłowska

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And this is the photo with the author, during the book launch at Big Book Cafe in Warsaw.

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